Interviews from the library: Teaching in China, with Sandra Dovale.
In this episode, Irea Vila interviews Sandra Dovale, one of our English teachers at our Tui branch. They’ll talk about Sandra’s experiences in China, where she lived for four years and worked as an English teacher.
En este episodiio, Irea Vila entrevista a Sandra Dovale, unha das nosas profesoras de inglés na Sección da EOI en Tui. A conversa céntrase nas experiencias de Sandra en China, onde residiu durante catro anos e ensinou lingua inglesa.
Language/Lingua: English/inglés
Level/Nivel: Upper-intermediate/B2
Music/Música: “Adventure” by Chad Crouch (CC-NC-BY) and Amingliang ( archives, CC-NC-BY).
Produced by Elena Espinosa Ruiz.
Image/Imaxe: Biblioteca da EOI de Tui/ IES San Paio.