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PART I: “Go Down, Moses” by William Faulkner. The Word Depot

The Word Depot:

Part 1 “Go Down, Moses” by William Faulkner. 

Language: English

Level: C

In this podcast, Begoña, Belén, Mila, Cándido and Marcial, members of the reading club of the EOI of Vigo, coordinated by Ana Sánchez, give an overview of their reading of Faulkner’s novel as well as share their creative writing pieces inspired by it. This podcast has been divided in two parts: the first part addresses first impressions on the novel. Special thanks to Helen Burr for her reading of an extract from the first chapter of the novel “Was”. Equally, special thanks for those who participated in the writing but were not present at the moment of the podcast: María Angeles Machado Panete, and Janine Fontenla.

The second part of the podcast focuses on the pieces of creative writing composed to better grasp the reading. There is a choral reading of a piece included, the aim is to make the words overlap as if part of a musical ensemble

Edited: Ana María Sánchez Mosquera

Music: www.lamusicagratis.com (Part 1 and part 2).
Extracts from Louis Armstrong’s “Go Down, Moses” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vf6jBP4YXwo.
Part 2: fragment of “Metamorphosis 2” (Philip Glass), courtesy of piano amateur student.


The Word Depot:

Parte I: “Go Down, Moses” de William Faulkner.

Lingua: Inglés
Nivel: C

Neste podcast, Belén, Begoña, Mila, Cándido e Marcial, participantes do club de lectura da EOI de Vigo, coordinados por Ana Sánchez, falan das súas lecturas e impresión sobre a novela de William Faulkner “Go Down, Moses” e comparten as pezas de escritura creativa que eles fixeron inspirados por esta novela. Grazas a Helen Burr pola súa fabulosa lectura con acento sureño na primeira parte do podcast, e grazas tamén a María Angeles Machado Panete e Janine Fontenla, que aínda que non puidero asistir á grabación contribuíron coas súas pezas literarias.

Producido por Ana María Sánchez Mosquera

Música: www.lamusicagratis.com (Parte 1 e parte 2).
Fragmentos de Louis Armstrong’s “Go Down, Moses” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vf6jBP4YXwo.
Parte 2: fragmento das “Metamorfoses” de Philip Glass, interpretada por estudante amateur de piano.

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