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AN EVENING WITH ANA ten (or so) things you didn´t know you knew about our language assistant

In this episode, some of the students in the B2.1 level held a nice farewell interview with our language assistant Ana Belén Gutiérrez. On this occasion, the students were represented by Laura, Hugo, Nerea, Ana, Laura, Rocío and Alba, who interviewed Ana on behalf of the students in the same level.
AUTHOR: Juan I. Laiz
MÚSICA:  Lawrence Beamen, Round and Round

Nesta ocasión, algúns e algunhas dos estudiantes de nivel B2,1, representados por Laura, Hugo, Nerea, Ana, Laura e Rocío, levaron a cabo unha axeitada intrevista de despedida a nosa asistente de lingua, Ana Belén Gutiérrez.
AUTOR: Juan I. Laiz
LINGUA: Inglés
NIVEL: B2.1: Lawrence Beamen, Round and Round

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