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Curious people: Interview with Megan

Welcome to episode #1 of Curious People, the podcast produced at EOI Coia, where we interview Megan, an entomologist from the US who is living in Vigo. She tells all things eating insects, from where to buy them to how to present this special diet to others.

Language: English
Level: A1-C2
Edited by: Xero Hernández Crespo and Merce Martínez Lorenzo.

Music:  Rotterdam Ska Jazz Foundation by Noise Problems Selections
We would like to thank Susana Domínguez, English student at EOI Coia, for her collaboration in this episode.

Benvidas/os ao episodio núm. 1 de Curious People, o podcast da EOI de Coia, no que entrevistamos a Megan, unha entomóloga dos Estados Unidos que vive en Vigo. Ela vainos contar todo sobre comer insectos, dende onde compralos ata como presentar esta dieta especial a outras persoas.

Idioma: Inglés.

Nivel: A1-C2.

Editador por: Xero Hernández Crespo e Merce Martínez Lorenzo.

Música:  Rotterdam Ska Jazz Foundation by Noise Problems Selections
Dámoslle as grazas a
Susana Domínguez, estudante de inglés da EOI de Coia, pola súa colaboración.

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