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Interviews from the Library: Karl Falk. A passion for languages.

In this episode of the series “Interviews from the Library”, Ana Izaguirre interviews Karl Falk online. Karl works as a German and English teacher in Spain and tells us about his hometown and his love for languages.

Language: English
Level: B2-C1
Music: “Adventure” by Chad Crouch, and “Contradictions” by Independent Licencing Collective have Creative Commons Licences BY-NC. “Sweet Vibe” by Jonas Nikolic, with user rights granted by the author himself.
Produced and edited by: Elena Espinosa Ruiz.

Neste episodio da serie “Interviews from the Library”, Ana Izaguirre entrevista a Karl Falk online. Karl, que é profesor de alemán e inglés en España, cóntanos sobre a súa cidade natal e a súa paixón polas lingas.

Idioma: inglés
Nivel: B2-C1
Música: “Adventure” de Chad Crouch, y “Contradictions” de Independent Licencing Collective, tienen licencias Creative Commons BY-NC. “Sweet Vibe” de Jonas Nikolic, tiene derechos de utilización cedidos por el autor.
Producido y editado por: Elena Espinosa Ruiz

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