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Interviews from the Library: Rebecca Colestock. Life in the United Arab Emirates.

In this episode of “Interviews from the Library”, Belén Villacieros and Marta Iglesias interview Rebecca Colestock, who will tell us about her life in the UAE, where she lived for 18 years.

Language: English
Level: B2-C1
Music: All themes with CC Licence BY-NC. “Adventure” by Chad Crouch,  “Embrace” by Scott Holmes, “Arabian Horse” by Serge Quadrado, “Arabian” by Carlos Carty, and “Welcome to Jamrock” by DJ Jimmy Singh.
Produced and edited by Elena Espinosa Ruiz
This programme is lincensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0

Neste episodio da serie “Entrevistas dende a biblioteca”, Belén Villacieros e Marta Iglesias entrevistan a Rebecca Colestock, que falará das súas vivencias en Emiratos Árabes Unidos, onde residiu durante 18 anos.

Idioma: Inglés
Nivel: B2-C1
Música: Todos os temas teñen Licenza Creative Commons BY-NC. “Adventure” de Chad Crouch,  “Embrace” de Scott Holmes, “Arabian Horse” de Serge Quadrado, “Arabian” de Carlos Carty, y “Welcome to Jamrock” de DJ Jimmy Singh.
Producido e editado por Elena Espinosa Ruiz
Este programa ten licenza CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0

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