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Ideas that Shaped the World: Leisure

In this episode of the series “Ideas that Shaped the World”, Lucía Guisande and Irea Vila talk about the origins of leisure, and discuss its role from ancient to modern times. A programme produced by the members of the English Speaking and Radio Workshop of our Tui branch.

Language: English
Level: B2-C1
Music: All themes with Creative Common Licences BY-NC. “Desert Ghost Town” by Lobo Loco; “Crescents” by Ketsa; “Arabian horse” by Serge Quadrado; and “Lighter” by Crowander.

En este episodio da serie “Ideas que mudaron o mundo”, Lucía Guisande e mais Irea Vila falan das orixes do concepto do lecer, e comentan a súa importancia dende a Antigüidade ata os nosos días. Programa producido polos integrantes do Obradoiro de Fala e Radio da nosa Sección en Tui.

Idioma: English
Nivel: B2-C1
Mísica: Todos los temas tienen licencias Creative Common BY-NC. “Desert Ghost Town” de Lobo Loco; “Crescents” de Ketsa; “Arabian horse” de Serge Quadrado; y “Lighter” de Crowander.

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