Emisión en directo

Estamos escoitando: Ideas that shaped the world: Winemaking

Hai 1 ouvinte neste momento.

Outstanding EOI Students

Bea is incredible!
Listen to the first part of a conversation I had with Ana and Bea. Bea, a musician, talks first about the sounds she likes and hates and then reminisces on her childhood. She also tells us about her family’s connection with bagpiping and her relationship, as a woman,  with that instrument. Do you want to know what was special about that? Well, then just listen! You are going to be surprised!

Bea é incrible!
Escoita a primeira parte dunha conversa con Ana e Bea. Bea é música e cóntanos primeiro sobre os sons que lle gustan e que odia e logo fala das suas lembranzas canda nena. Tamén nos explica a súa relación como muller coa gaita. Gostaríate saber qué ten de especial? Entón soamente tes que escoitar, vaste sorprender!

Language: English
Level: advanced
Music “Keeper” by Ashutosh
Edited by Anabel Álvarez

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