Emisión en directo

Estamos escoitando: Cuña inglés_Jairo_C1_2

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A LETTER OF NOTE (to sweet A.)

Welcome to another Letter of Note. Ally Chard, the lectora of the English department of the EOI in Vigo is reading this poetic letter to her younger self, while gazing at the future with all her enthusiasm. Edited by María J Ruibal, the sound effects come from the freesound.org library, under the CC policy for educational purposes.
Grazas por escoitar este podcast da serie ‘Letters of Note’, onde a lectora da EOI de Vigo, Ally, comparte connosco esta mísiva a ela mesma de cando nova, chea de entusiasmo por ver outros mundos. A edición vai a cargo de M. Ruibal, cos recursos de son do repositorio de freesounds.org. para fins educativos.

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