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Frankenstein (Part 2)_ The Word Depot

Títle: Frankenstein(Part 2)_ The Word Depot

Next on Frankenstein: Marcial Muñoz, María Angeles Machado and Servando participate with their comments and readings on Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein,” accompanied by piano music,  “Le Lac de Come” by G.Galos,  interpreted by Rosana Ojea  and crowned by Servando’s own music composition while reading a passage from the novel. Some of the insights dealt with evolve around Mary Shelley’s youth when writing the novel, the threading of the plot, thoughts on the human condition of the creature.


Segunda parte do análise e pensamentos sobre a novela de Mary Shelley “Frankenstein”: Marcial Muñoz, María Angeles Machado e Servando participan nesta contribución acompañados pola música de “Le Lac de Come” de G.Galos, interpretada en especial para este programa por Rosana Ojea. Servando acompáñase da súa propia música para a lectura dunha pasaxe da novela de Mary Shelley. Abórdanse temáticas nas que se pode afondar tales e como a xuventude da autora no tempo que escribiu a novela, as historias que se entrelazan e a condición humana do monstro.

Categoría:  Language Learning

Idioma: Inglés

Edición: Ana María Sánchez Mosquera

Música: “Le Lac de Come”  A.Galos interpreted by Rosana Ojea.
             Servando Barreiro shares his own musical composition to accompany his reading.

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