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Estamos escoitando: Interviews from the Library: Avery Enriquez

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Reading for pleasure 1

This is an episode for advanced students of English. In it students talk about three books they have enjoyed reading: Animal Farm by George Orwell, Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier and The Children Act by Ian McEwan.

Este é un episodio en inglés onde tres alumnas falan de libros que lles gusta ler: Animal Farm, de George Orwell; Girl with a Pearl Earring, de Tracy Chevalier and The Children Act escrito por Ian McEwan. O episodio e para ouvintes cun nivel avanzado de inglés.

Idioma: Inglés
Nivel Avanzado
Music: Wanderer of Wonders by Philip Ravenel
Editado por: Anabel Álvarez Cuñado

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