The Word Depot presents the untold stories of Graham Greene’s “The Heart of the Matter” (1948). Many of the characters around which the narrative evolves never confront each other and never articulate their feelings. The factual account of the events masquerades inner emotions that remain untold. The Word Depot members, Marián Machado, Begoña Varela Rodríguez, Cándido Pintos, Marcial Múñoz, Manuel Gómez Otero and Margarida Pereira have written as well as interpreted in this podcast the stories that have never happened,the ones that Aimee Liu, author and essayist, may describe as written in “invisible ink”.
Edition: Ana María Sánchez Mosquera
Field: Education
Language: English
Music and Sound effects:
O obradoiro de Lectura, The Word Depot, presenta as historias non contadas baseadas na novela “The Heart of the Matter” (1948) do escritor británico Graham Greene. Moitas das personaxes da novela nunca se confrontan en certos temas relativos as emocións ou articulación dos sentimentos, e estes parecen estar en suspensión no transcorrer dos sucesos. Marián Machado, Begoña Rodríguez, Cándido Pintos, Marcial Muñoz, Manuel Gómez Otero, e Margarida Pereira …len, escriben e / ou interpretan estas historias impresas en tinta invisible, empregando o termo de Aimee Liu, autora de varios libros e ensaista.
Montaxe: Ana María Sánchez
Eido: Educación
Lingua: Inglesa
Música e Efectos de Son: