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C1 English News Bulletin

In this news bulletin, C1 English Radio Workshop students at EOI de Vigo – Tui tell us some of the main stories that made the news in November 2022.

Neste programa, alumnas do obradoiro C1 de inglés de radio da EOI de Vigo en Tui recollen algunhas das noticias máis destacadas de novembro 2022.

Language: English
Level: B2 – C1
Music: 558059__code-box__in-other-news from freemusicarchive.com, with Creative Commons Licence BY-NC-SA.
Produced by: Elena Espinosa

Lingua: Inglés
Nivel: B2 – C1
Música: 558059__code-box__in-other-news from freemusicarchive.com, with Creative Commons Licence BY-NC-SA.
Producido por: Elena Espinosa

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