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Estamos escoitando: Outstanding EOI Students

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Outstanding EOI students.

Ayarí and Marcela are incredible!
In this podcast you will  listen to two immigrants who have settled in Vigo.  They talk about their personal experiences in Venezuela and Argentina and the reasons that drove them to leave their loved ones behind and start a new life here in Vigo. I can guarantee you will not be left unaffected!

Ayarí e Marcela son incribles!

Neste podcast podes escoitar a dúas migrantes que viven en Vigo falando da súa vida en Arxentina e Venezuela e dos motivos polos que deixaros ós seus seres queridos atrás para comezar unha nova vida aquí en Vigo. Pódovos garantir que as súas historias non vos deixarán indiferentes!

Language: English
Level: Advanced
Music: “Keeper” by Ashutosh
Edited by Anabel Álvarez

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