Emisión en directo

Estamos escoitando: KA104 Ensino Creativo de Linguas: Creativity in the Classroom. Split, Croacia. Entrevista con Leticia Pérez

Hai 1 ouvinte neste momento.

Beyond the Line (episode 1)

Phone-in programme created by students in the B2.1 level where interviews in the studio are balanced with recordings previously sent by students simulating real life radio programmes.  On this occasion the topic dealt with is problems while travelling..
Language: English
Level: B2..1
Author: Juan Laiz
Music: melody loops-ambient-vision

Programa  baseado nas entrevistas no estudio e grabacións elaboradas por alumnado no nivel B2.1 entorno ao tema en común: os problemas perante os viaxes.
Lingua: Inglés
Nivel: B2.1
Autor: Juan Laiz
Música: melody-loops-ambient vision

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