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Interviews from the Library: Dayna Cleland. An American in Galicia.

In this episode of “Interviews from the Library”,  Zaida Diz and Zaira Lima interview Dayna Cleland, a former Language Assistant in Spain who has settled in Galicia. Produced by the English Speaking and Radio Workshop of the EOI de Vigo Tui branch.

Language: English
Level: B2-C1
Music: “Adventure” by Chad Crouch, and “Cold Spring” by Luno, have both Creative Commons Licence BY-NC.
Produced and edited by Elena Espinosa Ruiz.
This programme is educational and non-profit, and has CC Licence BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Neste episodio de “Entrevistas dende a biblioteca”, Zaida Diz e Zaira Lima entrevistan a Dayna Cleland, que traballou como Asistente Lingüístico e agora está establecida en Galicia. Producido polo Obradoiro de Fala e Radio da Sección de Tui da EOI de Vigo.

Idioma: Inglés
Nivel: B2-C1
Música: “Adventure” de Chad Crouch, e “Cold Spring” de Luno,  ambos os dous con Licenza Creative Commons BY-NC.
Producido e editado por Elena Espinosa Ruiz.
Este programa es educativo e sen ánimo de lucro, e ten Licenza CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

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