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Learning at the EOI (Official School of Languages)

This new series entitled “EOI Students in conversation” brings you informal chats and discussions with students from our school. In this episode, students Irea Vila and Zaida Diz talk to Elena about what it is like to study at the EOI (Escola Oficial de Idiomas/Official School of Languages).

  • Language: English
  • Level:  B2+
  • Speakers: Irea Vila, Zaida Diz e Elena Espinosa
  • Music: “Boogie Party”, by Kevin MacLeod, with CC Licence BY-NC.
  • Produced and edited by: Elena Espinosa Ruiz
  • This podcast is licenced under CC BY-NC-SA.

Esta nova serie chamada “EOI Students in Conversation” (Conversacións co alumnado da EOI) ofrécenos conversacións e debates informais co alumnado da nosa escola. Neste episodio, as alumnas Irea Vila e Zaida cóntanlle a Elena como é estudar na EOI (Escola Oficial de Idiomas).

  • Lingua: Inglés
  • Nivel:  B2+
  • Locucións: Irea Vila, Zaida Diz e Elena Espinosa
  • Música: “Boogie Party”, de Kevin MacLeod, con Licencia CC BY-NC.
  • Produción e edición: Elena Espinosa Ruiz
  • Este podcast ten licencia CC BY-NC-SA

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