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Galician Seafoodies: The Elver

Here is episode 1 of our podcast series “Galician Seafoodies” in which we explore the history, science, social relevance and gastronomy of some of the most iconic seafood in Galicia. In this episode, Belén Villacieros and Marta Iglesias talk about the elver like you have probably never heard before…

Language: English
Level: C1
Voices: Belén Villacieros & Marta Iglesias
Music credits: All themes have CC Licences. “Dancing with the fire”, by Esther García González, 2018 (fiftysounds.com); “Melody of nature” by GoodBMusic (www.chosic.com) with CC BY-SA; and “Farm” by Kevin MacLeod, with CC BY-NC-SA.
Production and edition: Elena Espinosa Ruiz
This podcast’s licence: “Galician Seafoodies: The Elver” has CC Licence BY-NC-SA International 4.0 (2023)

Velaquí o primeiro episodio da nosa serie de podcasts “Galician Seafoodies”, na que exploramos a historia, ciencia, relevancia social e gastronomía dalgúns dos animais mariños máis representativos de Galicia. Neste episodio, Belén Villacieros e Marta Iglesias descóbrennos o meixón (elver en inglés).

Lingua: inglés
Nivel: C1
Voces: Belén Villacieros e Marta Iglesias
Música: Todos os temas ten Llcenzas Creative Commons. “Dancing with the fire”, de Esther García González, 2018 (fiftysounds.com); “Melody of nature” de GoodBMusic (www.chosic.com) con CC BY-SA; e “Farm”, de Kevin MacLeod, con CC BY-NC-SA
Producción e edición: Elena Espinosa Ruiz
Licenza de este podcast: “Galician Seafoodies: The Elver” ten licenza Creative Commons BY-NC-SA International 4.0 (2023)

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