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Galician Seafoodies: The Scallop

In episode 2 of “Galician Seafoodies”, Irea and Zaida tell us about an animal that is closely related to Galicia’s history and gastronomy: the scallop. We will learn about its connection to the Camiño de Santiago, its anatomy and a great way to cook it.

Language: English
Level: C1
Voices: Irea Vila & Zaida Diz
Music credits: All themes have CC Licence. “Dancing with the fire” by Esther García González, 2018 (fiftysounds.com); “Adventure” by Alexander Nakarada, with CC BY-NC; and “Farm” by Kevin MacLeod, with CC BY-NC-SA.
Production and edition: Elena Espinosa Ruiz
This podcast’s licence: “Galician Seafoodies: The Scallop” has CC Licence BY-NC-SA International 4.0 (2023)

Presentamos o episodio 2 de “Galician Seafoodies”, no que Irea e Zaida conversan sobre un animal estreitamente ligado á historia e gastronomía de Galicia: a vieira. Descubriremos o seu vínculo co Camiño de Santiago, así como aspectos da súa anatomía e unha forma de cociñalo.

Lingua: inglés
Nivel: C1
Voces: Irea Vila e Zaida Diz
Música: Todos os temas ten Licenzas Creative Commons. “Dancing with the fire” de Esther García González, 2018 (fiftysounds.com); “Adventure” de Alexander Nakarada, con CC BY-NC; e “Farm” de Kevin MacLeod, con CC BY-NC-SA.
Producción e edición: Elena Espinosa Ruiz
Licenza de este podcast: “Galician Seafoodies: The Scallop” ten licenza Creative Commons BY-NC-SA International 4.0 (2023)

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