Últimos episodios
My Perfect Online Life #2: Marco
In "My Perfect Online Life," we go behind the scenes of social media to uncover real stories. Students from B2.1 share the truth behind their beautiful posts and we learn about the ups and downs behind the perfect pictures. The show reminds us that every photo has a story. Stay tuned for more honest discussions about our digital world.
Galician Seafoodies: The Octopus #3
n this episode of "Galician Seafoodies", we hear Irea and Zaida talk about the social, historical and gastronomic connection of the octopus with Galicia. Don't miss it!
My Perfect Online Life #1: Marcos
In "My Perfect Online Life," we go behind the scenes of social media to uncover real stories. Students from B2.1 share the truth behind their beautiful posts and we learn about the ups and downs behind the perfect pictures. The show reminds us that every photo has a story. Stay tuned for more honest discussions about our digital world.
Les élèves de français A1 de Tui célèbrent la Journée Internationale de la Francophonie de la meilleure façon possible : en parlant la langue. Chacun d'entre eux décrit un personnage francophone, donne trois options possibles et les camarades de classe doivent les deviner.
Les élèves de français A1 de Tui célèbrent la Journée Internationale de la Francophonie de la meilleure façon possible : en parlant la langue. Chacun d'entre eux décrit un personnage francophone, donne trois options possibles et les camarades de classe doivent les deviner.
Microrrelatos gañadores 2024
Compartimos convosco os fabulosos relatos gañadores do Concurso de Microrrelatos organizado pola Biblioteca da nosa escola para o curso escolar 2023-24. Presentado pola nosa coordinadora da Biblioteca, Marina López Beiras, o programa conta coas voces dos e das autoras dos propios relatos.
Ich erinnere mich …
Die SchülerInnen erzählen von Gerüchen, die sie mit bestimmten Erinnerungen assoziieren.
3 minutos de poesia: “Liberdade”
3 minutos de poesia: versos inspirados por grandes poetas. Versos inspirados pelo poema "Liberdade", de Eugénio de Andrade, criados no curso monográfico de rádio em português da Escola Oficial de Línguas de Vigo, no primeiro semestre do ano 2023-2024.
Die Frau des Bäckers
SchülerInnen fühlen sich in die Charaktere einer Kurzgeschichte ein und kommentieren ihre Ansicht des Geschehens.
Women That Matter 2
This is the second episode of "Women that Matter", a programme in which our students choose relevant women and talk about them. In this episode you will learn new things about Rosalía de Castro and you will also be asked to reflect on the importance well-known women like Boudica, Mary Wollensonecraft, Margarita Salas or Simone de Bauvoir among others. But..., have these women really been the most important ones in history? You will have to listen to find out!
Últimos episodios
Arbeit und Erfolg
7 minutes -
Bücherkreis 1
5 minutes -
Souvenirs d'enfance (voyages, jeux, école et traditions)
6 minutes -
Tui's Christmas Special 2024
12 minutes -
Día Mundial da Poesía 2023 na Biblioteca da EOI
1 hour 26 minutes
Noutras plataformas
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