Emisión en directo

Estamos escoitando: Ben Rivers discusses his play: The Invaders' Fear of Memories

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Últimos episodios

  • Outstanding EOI students.

    Ayarí and Marcela are incredible! In this podcast you will  listen to two immigrants who have settled in Vigo.  They talk about their personal experiences in Venezuela and Argentina and the reasons that drove them to leave their loved ones behind and start a new life here in Vigo. I can guarantee you will not be left unaffected!

  • Outstanding EOI students.

    Ana is incredible!  Listen to this ex second-division basketball player telling us about her job, diet and doping controls and also about why it is so difficult to have a professional career in the world of sport when you are a woman.... Lots of food for thought here!

  • Outstanding EOI Students

    Bea is incredible!  Listen to the second part of  Bea's interview in which we learn about her experience in the professional world of music touring with the renowned Chieftains (and many other famous musicians) as a bagpiper and her move towards classical music after an exciting spree in The Royal Theatre in Madrid. 

  • Outstanding EOI Students

    Bea is incredible!  Listen to the first part of a conversation I had with Ana and Bea. Bea, a musician, talks first about the sounds she likes and hates and then reminisces on her childhood. She also tells us about her family's connection with bagpiping and her relationship, as a woman,  with that instrument. Do you want to know what was special about that? Well, then just listen! You are going to be surprised!

  • 3 minutos de poesia: “Há palavras”

    3 minutos de poesia: versos inspirados por grandes poetas. Versos inspirados pelo poema "Há palavras que nos beijam", de Alexandre O'Neill, criados na oficina de leitura e escrita literárias em português da Escola Oficial de Línguas de Vigo.

  • Ideen, die die Welt veränderten: Die Erfindung des Telefons

    In dieser Folge unserer Reihe "Ideen, die die Welt veränderten" sprechen B2 Schüler:innen der EOI Vigo über die Erfindung des Telefons.

  • Les prénoms: Raquel

    Que se cache-t-il dernière notre prénom? L'aimons- nous ou lui préférons-nous un surnom? Quelle est son origine et pourquoi nous l'a-t-on donné?  Raquel, interviewée par Natalia, nous raconte son histoire, la présentation est de Alba.

  • Les prénoms: Natalia

    Que se cache-t-il dernière notre prénom? L'aimons- nous ou lui préférons-nous un surnom? Quelle est son origine et pourquoi nous l'a-t-on donné?  Natalia, interviewée par Raquel, nous raconte son histoire, la présentation est de Lorena.

  • Les prénoms : Servando

    Que se cache-t-il dernière notre prénom? L'aimons- nous ou lui préférons-nous un surnom? Quelle est son origine et pourquoi nous l'a-t-on donné?  Servando, interviewé par Lorena nous raconte son histoire, la présentation est de Anxos.  Niveau: Avancé  Musique: Jonas Nikolic (droits concédés par les auteurs).

  • Ideas that shaped the world: The Chicken and Egg Conundrum

    In this episode of our series "Ideas that shaped the world", Irea and Zaira, members of the C1 Speaking and Radio Workshop, tell us about this old riddle, its origin and possible solution...

