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Estamos escoitando: Radiodrama: Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady - Part 3

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Etiqueta: English

  • Interviews from the Library: Rebecca Colestock. Life in the United Arab Emirates.

    In this episode of "Interviews from the Library", Belén Villacieros and Marta Iglesias interview Rebecca Colestock, who will tell us about her life in the UAE, where she lived for 18 years. 

  • Interviews from the Library: Avery Enriquez. A multicultural life.

    Listen to this interesting interview with our guest speaker, Avery Enriquez, as he talks about his multicultural background and impressions of his life in Spain. Hosted  by Irea Vila, David Groba and Lucía Guisande, and produced by the English C1 Speaking and Radio Workshop of Tui. 

  • Interviews from the Library: Karl Falk. A passion for languages.

    In this episode of the series "Interviews from the Library", Ana Izaguirre interviews Karl Falk online. Karl works as a German and English teacher in Spain and tells us about his hometown and his love for languages.  

  • Ideas that Shaped the World: Leisure

    In this episode of the series "Ideas that Shaped the World", Lucía Guisande and Irea Vila talk about the origins of leisure, and discuss its role from ancient to modern times. A programme produced by the members of the English Speaking and Radio Workshop of our Tui branch. 

  • Curious people: Interview with Megan

    Welcome to episode #1 of Curious People, the podcast produced at EOI Coia, where we interview Megan, an entomologist from the US who is living in Vigo. She tells all things eating insects, from where to buy them to how to present this special diet to others. 

  • AN EVENING WITH ANA ten (or so) things you didn´t know you knew about our language assistant

    In this episode, some of the students in the B2.1 level held a nice farewell interview with our language assistant Ana Belén Gutiérrez. On this occasion, the students were represented by Laura, Hugo, Nerea, Ana, Laura, Rocío and Alba, who interviewed Ana on behalf of the students in the same level.

  • AN APPLE A DAY debate programme with incoming calls

    In this episode, B2.1 students Mara, Antonio, Sara, Jenny, Piero, Arantza, Pablo, Alfonso, Beatriz, Silvia, Sandrine and Judith join their voices to hold an interesting debate about nutrition, tips and benefits. They also comment on other recordings on the topic left by students in their same level, or by themselves.

  • Radio drama: A Feathered Encounter PART 2

    Listen to the second part of the story and learn about the fate of our splendind parrot, Hyeronimus. Interpreted by Belén Villacieros e Marta Iglesias.

  • Radio drama: A Feathered Encounter PART 1

    Listen to the story of a prodigious parrot that is taken to Queen Maud's court as a gift, interpreted by Belén Villacieros and Marta Iglesias, with the guest appearance of David Groba - all of them members of the Speaking and Radio Workshop of the EOI de Vigo in Tui. 

  • A LETTER OF NOTE to myself

    Welcome to another LETTER OF NOTE written and read by our generous conversation assistant, the lectora Annita Gutiérrez. Here, she talks to her former 13 year-old self and recalls her plans and professional goals as a student of many subjects and loads of interests in her life. Don't miss this delightful account, so well read by this talented woman! The piece has been edited by MJ Ruibal with the freesounds resources under the Creative Commons policy. 

