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Últimos episodios

  • C1 English News Bulletin

    In this news bulletin, C1 English Radio Workshop students at EOI de Vigo - Tui tell us some of the main stories that made the news in November 2022. 

  • Landscapes

    In this episode, C1 students of English at our Tui branch talk about places of natural beauty.   Language: English Level: C1 Music: "At the Countryside" by Crowande, with Creative Commons licence BY-SA-NC.

  • Lokführer heute

    Un maquinista de hoxe en día conta do seu traballo. Ein heutiger Lokführer spricht von seiner Arbeit. IDIOMA: alemán

  • KA104 Ensino Creataivo de Linguas. Teaching Cinema in the Classroom and Beyond. Lisboa

    Manuel Gil fala con Marta Ares en Radio Linguas, sobre o curso TEACHING FILM IN THE CLASSROOM AND BEYOND, realizado en  no mes de maio en Lisboa, con European Exchange, no marco do proxecto Erasmus+KA104 Cultura e ensino creativo de linguas. Cara un enfoque humanístico da EOI. Lingua: Galego

  • Pronunciando palabras difícis

    Principiantes do curso A1 pronuncian palabras difícis. Anfänger des A1-Kurses sprechen schwierige Wörter aus. IDIOMA: alemán

  • KA104VocesPlurilingües: Fase de observación. Mesa redonda.

    Elena Espinosa, Roswitha Althoff, Ghislain Potier e Marta Ares intercambian experiencias e aprendizaxes das súas mobilidades de observación en Radio Alma, Radio Frágola e Radio Orange, no marco do proxecto KA104 Voces Plurilingües.  En setembro escoitaremos a nosa compañeira Mª José Ruibal, que estivo a finais de xuño en Irlanda, observando o traballo de Radio Athlon e Radio Phoenix. Lingua: Español

  • Interviews from the Library: Paul Thompson – Part 2

    Here is the second part of the interview with Paul Thompson, a British national settled in north Portugaland former student of Portuguese at the EOI in Tui. He is interviewed by Belén Villacieros. Language: English Level: B2-C1 Music credits: "Adventure" by Chad Crouch , with CC Licence BY-NC, sting music by Scott Holmes (CC Licence BY-NC) and special effects from Freesound.org(CC Licence).

  • Interviews from the Library: Paul Thompson – Part 1

    In this podcasts, Radio Workshop member Belén Villacieros interviews Paul Thompson, a British national who settled in north Portugal and former student of Portuguese at the EOI in Tui. Language: English Level: B2-C1 Music credits: "Adventure" by Chad Crouch , with CC Licence BY-NC, sting music by Scott Holmes (CC Licence BY-NC) and special effects from Freesound.org (CC Licence). Produced by Elena Espinosa Ruiz. This podcast has Creative Commons Licence BY-NC-SA.

  • Radio Linguas- Intermediate Matters- Wisconsians in Spain

    In this episode, some of our B1 students interviewed our nice language assistant Grace Wreck before her leaving the school. Language: English, Level: B1, Music: HoliznaCCO- Night Driving.

  • Radio Linguas- Intermediate Matters- Travelling broadens the mind

    In this podcast, produced by Juan I Laiz, a few of our B1 students describe fabulous and disastrous trips and recall nice travelling adventures. Language: English. Level: B1. Music: Baners, Counting Sheep.


Últimos episodios
