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Últimos episodios

  • Radio Linguas- Intermediate Matters- Carnival, carnival, carnival

    In this podcast, produced by Juan I Laiz, some of our B1 students narrate a few of their carnival experiences. Language: English. Level: B1. Music: Baners, Step by Step.

  • WG-Casting

    Zwei Freunde suchen eine/n dritte/n Mitbewohner/in für ihre WG. Vier Personen möchten das Zimmer haben und stellen sich vor.


    The Word Depot presents a new challenge: Hamlet in a nutshell. Our guests Rosa del Río ( singing Ophelia), Marcial Muñoz, Begoña Varela, Mila Prol, Cándido Pintos, and Manuel Gómez have picked up the gauntlet of summarising the play in 50 words… Drama, intertextuality, an account of the events of the plot, words that stand like monoliths in the retelling ...all here. Do not miss it!

  • Interviews from the library: Teaching in China, with Sandra Dovale.

    In this episode, Irea Vila interviews Sandra Dovale, one of our English teachers at our Tui branch. They'll talk about Sandra's experiences in China, where she lived for four years and worked as an English teacher. 

  • DeutschschülerInnen in Kroatien

    Ein Interview mit Deutschlernenden an der Schule in Klanjec, Kroatien

  • Journalism group Klanjec, Croatia

    Presentation of the journalism group at the school of Klanjec, Croatia

  • Entrevista con sabor a Interview: Abel Caballero

    Alumnado de galego e inglés da EOI de Vigo entrevistan a convidados distinguidos. Desta vez, Bea, Ana e Sara entrevistan ao señor alcalde de Vigo, Abel Caballero. Agradecemos a súa visita ao estudio de Radiolinguas! 

  • KA104 Cultura e ensino Creativo de Linguas: Creativity in the Classroom. Split, Croacia. Entrevista con Leticia Pérez

    Leticia Pérez, profesora de inglés na EOI de Vigo fálanos da súa estancia en Split, Croacia, onde asisitiu a un curso estruturado de 7 días con  Erasmus+ Courses Croatia , sobre a creatividade nas aulas, no marco do proxecto Erasmus+KA10 Cultura e ensino creativo de linguas. Cara un enfoque humanístico da EOI.


    Welcome to another LETTER OF NOTE. We have learnt of the latest COP summit held in Glasgow 2021 where the parties involved gathered to discuss climate change and eventually agreed on keeping the earth's surface temperature below 1.5. We feel we must keep an eye on next summit. The podcast here shows media resources from Creative Commons policy (freesounds.org). A concerned student of C1.2 reads this letter addressed to the UN COP presidency.


     The Word Depot presents the untold stories of Graham Greene’s “The Heart of the Matter” (1948). Many of the characters around which the narrative evolves never confront each other and never articulate their feelings. The factual account of the events masquerades inner emotions that remain untold. The Word Depot members, Marián Machado, Begoña Varela Rodríguez, Cándido Pintos, Marcial Múñoz, Manuel Gómez Otero and Margarida Pereira have written as well as interpreted in this podcast the stories that have never happened,the ones that Aimee Liu, author and essayist, may describe as written in  “invisible ink”.


Últimos episodios
