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Últimos episodios

  • Reading for pleasure 2

    This is an episode for advanced students of English. In it students talk about two books they have enjoyed reading:The Slap by Australian writer Christos Tsiolkas and Man-Eaters of Kumao written by naturalist Jim Corbett after his adventures in India.

  • Reading for pleasure 1 forum

    This is an episode for advanced students of English. In it students contemplate which of the three books they read in "Reading for Pleasure 1" (Animal Farm by George Orwell, Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier and The Children Act by Ian McEwan) they would like to read next and why.

  • Reading for pleasure 1

    This is an episode for advanced students of English. In it students talk about three books they have enjoyed reading: Animal Farm by George Orwell, Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier and The Children Act by Ian McEwan.

  • Die ersten Tage der russischen Invasion in der Ukraine – Ein Hörspiel

    In dieser Sendung hören Sie sechs Schüler:innen, die Berichte von ganz normalen Menschen aus den ersten Tagen des Ukrainekriegs vertonen. Während es für sie noch unbegreifbar ist, bricht um sie herum schon der Krieg aus.  Die Berichte entstammen einer Reportage der Tageszeitung Der Standard, aus dem 5/6 März 2022. Eine Produktion von Mathias Hagleitner und Marta Ares zusammen  mit den Schuler:innen María José, Xacobo, Cristina, David, Nacho und Salomé 

  • Botando Raíces: Marilena Opferkuch

    Este programa a cargo do Equipo de Dinamización da Lingua Galega entrevista quen aprenda a lingua galega ao botar raíces nestas terras galegas. Neste episodio entrevistamos a Marilena Opferkuch, austríaca que actualmente está a cursar o Máster de Interpretación e Traducción na Universidade de Leipzig con galego coma lingua de traballo.

  • Radio Drama: Tania, victim or …

    In this episode of Radio drama, C1.2 students of EOI Vigo introduce Tania Head, a victim of the 9/11 attacks, after discussing the play by Alexandra Wood. What follows is their own text, read to you in this podcast. You might wonder, is she really a victim? The music 'Spacey' has been donated to the Radio Linguas project by Jonas Nikolic. The sounds in the background come from freesound.org. with CC policy.

  • Frankenstein (Part 2)_ The Word Depot

    Next on Frankenstein: Marcial Muñoz, María Angeles Machado and Servando participate with their comments and readings on Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein,” accompanied by piano music,  “Le Lac de Come” by G.Galos,  interpreted by Rosana Ojea  and crowned by Servando’s own music composition while reading a passage from the novel. Some of the insights dealt with evolve around Mary Shelley’s youth when writing the novel, the threading of the plot, thoughts on the human condition of the creature.

  • Frankenstein (1)_ The Word Depot

    Mila Prol, Begoña Varela y Cándido Pintos give their impressions on Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein (1818): unexpected reactions surge as they elaborate on Frankenstein being a novel about friendship, love, a coalescence of contraries (fire and ice), a story within story narrative that spins from Mary Shelley’s time to our own.

  • Escaping from Ucraine 3 – Hope!

    A 16 year old girl tells us how she lived the beginning of the Urcainian war, her escape and the arrival in Germany.

  • Escaping from Ucraine 2 – Leave the country!

    A 16 year old girl tells us how she lived the beginning of the Urcainian war, her escape and the arrival in Germany.


Últimos episodios
