Últimos episodios
A LETTER OF NOTE (to sweet A.)
Welcome to another Letter of Note. Ally Chard, the lectora of the English department of the EOI in Vigo is reading this poetic letter to her younger self, while gazing at the future with all her enthusiasm.
Welcome to this conversation between Ally Chard, the lectora from the EOI in Vigo and myself, the editor of this podcast. We are using some of the questions the students of C1 came up with, while discussing the possibly 'odd' questions job seekers are (or rather, used to be) asked in a job interview. We might have stretched our imagination a bit (sorry, HR managers there). Uncomfortable questionnaire N 1 is here for you to enjoy, plus you are invited to have a fun chat with a likeminded individual whenever it suits you.
Je me souviens (odeurs, recettes, pot-au-feu, et compagnie)
Ce podcast intitulé Je me souviens est destiné à nous ramener à des souvenirs de morceaux de quotidiens enfouis dans nos mémoires. Il est construit comme un fil de conversation entre amis. Des petits morceaux de quotidien, légers et savoureux. Pour les personnes qui l’écouteront, chaque Je me souviens sera, ou ne sera pas, évocateur. Question de résonnance avec sa propre vie. Mais il y en aura certainement un qui vous rappellera quelque chose….
Gente da EOI (1)
Gente da EOI: um programa onde podem conhecer as pessoas que se encontram no café da escola, realizado no curso monográfico de rádio em português da Escola Oficial de Línguas de Vigo, no primeiro semestre do ano 2023-2024.
Observa_Acción Acollida da ESADg e EASD Ramón Falcón de Lugo na EOI de Vigo
A EOI de Vigo participa no programa de innovación chamado Observa_Acción que consiste en observación interescolar e intraescolar. Na Etapa Acolle, estamos "emparellados" con dous centros de réxime especial, a ESADg e a EASD Ramón Falcón. Na sesión de acollida de profesorado das escolas de ensinanzas de réxime especial, compañeiros dos tres centros involucrados comparten perspectivas sobre o trato de erro e a experiencia de observar aulas en outro centro de ensino.
Reading for Pleasure 4
This is the fourth episode in the series "Reading for Pleasure" in which two of our students recommend books they have read this year. In particular they are talking about "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" by Mark Haddon and "Enough about Love" by Hervé LeTellier. Listen to this episode to see what they think!
My Perfect Online Life #2: Marco
In "My Perfect Online Life," we go behind the scenes of social media to uncover real stories. Students from B2.1 share the truth behind their beautiful posts and we learn about the ups and downs behind the perfect pictures. The show reminds us that every photo has a story. Stay tuned for more honest discussions about our digital world.
Galician Seafoodies: The Octopus #3
n this episode of "Galician Seafoodies", we hear Irea and Zaida talk about the social, historical and gastronomic connection of the octopus with Galicia. Don't miss it!
My Perfect Online Life #1: Marcos
In "My Perfect Online Life," we go behind the scenes of social media to uncover real stories. Students from B2.1 share the truth behind their beautiful posts and we learn about the ups and downs behind the perfect pictures. The show reminds us that every photo has a story. Stay tuned for more honest discussions about our digital world.
Les élèves de français A1 de Tui célèbrent la Journée Internationale de la Francophonie de la meilleure façon possible : en parlant la langue. Chacun d'entre eux décrit un personnage francophone, donne trois options possibles et les camarades de classe doivent les deviner.
Últimos episodios
Día Mundial da Poesía 2023 na Biblioteca da EOI
1 hour 26 minutes -
Noticias da EOI de Vigo - Decembro 2024
5 minutes -
Prime Minister for a Day - Episode 1
7 minutes -
Meet the Staff: Roswitha Althoff
9 minutes -
Aussprache A1
2 minutes
Noutras plataformas
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