Últimos episodios
Women that Matter episode 1
This is episode 1 from a new programme called "Women that Matter" in which different students talk about relevant women in history. In this episode Angélica and Silvia tell us about Nettie Stevens and American geneticist and British Mary Anning, the first paleontologist. Listen to our students to know more about these awesome women!
Gedichte 2
Meine Lieblingsgedichte. SchülerInnen lesen und kommentieren ihre Lieblingsgedichte.
Yoga in der Schule?
Die Klasse diskutiert darüber, ob man Yoga in der Schule unterrichten sollte.
Galician Seafoodies: The Scallop
In episode 2 of "Galician Seafoodies", Irea and Zaida tell us about an animal that is closely related to Galicia's history and gastronomy: the scallop. We will learn about its connection to the Camiño de Santiago, its anatomy and a great way to cook it.
«Quels sont les mensonges? # 3»
Dans ce troisième podcast de ce jeu de devinettes, une étudiante du niveau B2.1. de l'École Officielle de Langues de Tui nous raconte trois anecdotes et la professeure devra deviner laquelle est vraie et expliquer la raison de son choix.
«Quels sont les mensonges? # 2 »
Dans ce deuxième podcast de ce jeu de devinettes, deux étudiants du niveau B2.1. de l'École Officielle de Langues de Tui nous racontent trois anecdotes et le partenaire devra deviner lesquelles sont vraies et expliquer la raison de son choix.
«Quels sont les mensonges? # 1 »
Dans ce premier podcast de ce jeu de devinettes, deux étudiants du niveau B2.1. de l'École Officielle de Langues de Tui nous racontent trois anecdotes et le partenaire devra deviner lesquelles sont vraies et expliquer la raison de son choix.
EOI Castaways Episode 3
This programme is inspired in the well-known BBC Radio 4 series "Desert Island Discs". In it, relevant personalities fron the English speaking world are interviewed and asked to talk about different pieces of music, a book and a luxury they would take to a desert island. We are not the BBC (yet ;)) but we do have many very relevant students in our classrooms. Listen to Marga, Silvia and another Marga to know about their choices. Enjoy!
Galician Seafoodies: The Elver
Here is episode 1 of our podcast series "Galician Seafoodies" in which we explore the history, science, social relevance and gastronomy of some of the most iconic seafood in Galicia. In this episode, Belén Villacieros and Marta Iglesias talk about the elver like you have probably never heard before...
Coia Cinema Sessions #2: The Full Monty
In this second episode of our Coia Cinema Sessions, students read the anonymous reviews sent in by the audience who attended the educational viewing of the cult 1997 film ‘The Full Monty.’ Films are shown once a month at our Coia section and you can submit your opinion to be featured in a radio podcast. Don’t miss the next one!
Últimos episodios
Arbeit und Erfolg
7 minutes -
Bücherkreis 1
5 minutes -
Souvenirs d'enfance (voyages, jeux, école et traditions)
6 minutes -
Tui's Christmas Special 2024
12 minutes -
Día Mundial da Poesía 2023 na Biblioteca da EOI
1 hour 26 minutes
Noutras plataformas
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