Últimos episodios
Meet the Staff: Fiona Brennan
In this episode of Meet the Staff, we talk to our colleague Fiona Brennan, who tells us a bit about her life in Ireland, her love for languages and life in Spain.
Coia Cinema Sessions #1: Sweeney Todd
In this episode, our A1 speakers read the comments sent in anonymously by the audience who attended the first cinema session at our Coia section. The first film shown was Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, a Halloween special.
Buchempfehlungen 2: Buchpreis 2023
SchülerInnen stellen ihr Lieblingsbuch von der Long List des Deutschen Buchpreises 2023 vor.
Learning at the EOI (Official School of Languages)
This new series entitled “EOI Students in conversation” brings you informal chats and discussions with students from our school. In this episode, students Irea Vila and Zaida Diz talk to […]
Dominio público: Federico García Lorca, “Sonetos del amor oscuro”
En este nuevo episodio de Dominio público, cinco estudiantes ucranianas de nivel A2 de Español para extranjeros recitan algunos de los Sonetos del amor oscuro de Federico García Lorca: "Llagas de amor", "Noche del amor insomne", "El amor duerme en el pecho del poeta", "Soneto de la guirnalda de las rosas" y "Soneto de la dulce queja".
Diez cosas que posiblemente no sabías sobre Brasil y Rusia
Cuatro estudiantes del nivel A2 de Español para extranjeros -Olesia, de Rusia, y Thiago, Lucía y Marilia, de Brasil- comparten en Radio Linguas diez curiosidades sobre sus países de origen.
Interviews from the Library: Dayna Cleland. An American in Galicia.
In this episode of “Interviews from the Library”, Zaida Diz and Zaira Lima interview Dayna Cleland, a former Language Assistant in Spain who has settled in Galicia. Produced by the […]
Interviews from the Library: Rebecca Colestock. Life in the United Arab Emirates.
In this episode of "Interviews from the Library", Belén Villacieros and Marta Iglesias interview Rebecca Colestock, who will tell us about her life in the UAE, where she lived for 18 years.
Interviews from the Library: Avery Enriquez. A multicultural life.
Listen to this interesting interview with our guest speaker, Avery Enriquez, as he talks about his multicultural background and impressions of his life in Spain. Hosted by Irea Vila, David Groba and Lucía Guisande, and produced by the English C1 Speaking and Radio Workshop of Tui.
Berufe: Malerin Laura Carralero Morales
Ein Interview mit der kubanischen Malerin Laura Carralero Morales.
Últimos episodios
Arbeit und Erfolg
7 minutes -
Bücherkreis 1
5 minutes -
Souvenirs d'enfance (voyages, jeux, école et traditions)
6 minutes -
Tui's Christmas Special 2024
12 minutes -
Día Mundial da Poesía 2023 na Biblioteca da EOI
1 hour 26 minutes
Noutras plataformas
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