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Últimos episodios


    In diesem Podcast stellen sich  Schüler*Innen  der EOI Vigo vor.  Die Lehrerin Yolanda Mouzo interviewt in dieser Folge Schüler*Innen aus dem Deutschkurs A1. 

  • Meet the Staff: Yolanda Mouzo

    In dieser Podcastreihe stellen wir Ihnen einige Mitarbeiter der EOI Vigo vor. Esther Alvarez interviewt in dieser Folge  die Deutschlehrerin  Yolanda Mouzo.

  • Meet the Staff: Esther Álvarez

    In dieser Podcastreihe stellen wir Ihnen einige Mitarbeiter der EOI Vigo vor. Yolanda Mouzo interviewt in dieser Folge  die Deutschlehrerin  Esther Álvarez.

  • 3 minutos de poesia: “Uma casa que fosse”

    3 minutos de poesia: versos inspirados por grandes poetas. Versos inspirados pelo poema "O lugar da casa", de Eugénio de Andrade, criados na oficina de leitura e escrita literárias em português da Escola Oficial de Línguas de Vigo.

  • Refranes del mundo

    En este episodio de Radio Linguas realizamos un pequeño viaje por el mundo, de Brasil a Filipinas, pasando por diferentes países de Europa. Estudiantes de uno de los grupos de A2 de Español para extranjeros comparten refranes en sus idiomas maternos, los traducen al castellano y explican su significado.

  • 3 minutos de poesia: “Onde queres”

    3 minutos de poesia: versos inspirados por grandes poetas. Versos inspirados pela canção "O quereres", de Caetano Veloso, criados na oficina de leitura e escrita literárias em português da Escola Oficial de Línguas de Vigo.

  • A Christmassy LETTER OF NOTE

    Welcome to another LETTER OF NOTE. It's true Christmas belongs in the past but today David would like to remember this special time with his family and share with us this moment of joy and introspection. This podcast has been edited by María J. Ruibal  by using Creative Commons resources (freesounds.org).

  • A morning with Fiona

    On this occasion, we interviewed our dear colleague Fiona Brennan.  On a rainy St Patrick´s morning, Fiona had a nice talk with some of our students in the B2.1 level about her thoughts about Ireland, St Patrick´s and many other things. 

  • Beyond the Line (episode 1)

    Phone-in programme created by students in the B2.1 level where interviews in the studio are balanced with recordings previously sent by students simulating real life radio programmes.  On this occasion the topic dealt with is problems while travelling..

  • House it going (episode 2)

    Series of episodes where students in the B2.1 level carry out interviews and reply to pre-recorded messages, in imitation of phone-in programmes in radio. The topic dealt with is Housing. In this episode, we enjoyed the presence of our language assistant Ana Belén Gutiérrez, who meant a real help in producing this programme.


Últimos episodios
