Últimos episodios
House it going (episode 1)
Series of episodes where students in the B2.1 level carry out interviews and reply to pre-recorded messages, in imitation of phone-in programmes in radio. The topic dealt with is Housing In this episode, we enjoyed the presence of our language assistant Ana Belén Gutiérrez, who meant a real help in producing this programme.
3 minutos de poesia: “Afinal o que importa”
3 minutos de poesia: versos inspirados por grandes poetas. Versos inspirados pelo poema "Pastelaria", de Mário Cesariny de Vasconcelos, criados na oficina de leitura e escrita literárias em português da Escola Oficial de Línguas de Vigo.
Dominio público: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, “Hombres necios”
En este podcast, estudiantes del monográfico de Español para ucranianos recitan las "Redondillas" de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, poema también conocido con el título de "Hombres necios" en el que la poeta mexicana del siglo XVII critica el trato que los hombres dan a las mujeres.
3 minutos de poesia: “Não posso adiar”
3 minutos de poesia: versos inspirados por grandes poetas. Versos inspirados pelo poema "Não posso adiar o amor", de António Ramos Rosa, criados na oficina de leitura e escrita literárias em português da Escola Oficial de Línguas de Vigo.
PART II: “Go Down, Moses” by William Faulkner. The Word Depot
In this podcast, Begoña, Belén, Mila, Cándido and Marcial, members of the reading club of the EOI of Vigo, coordinated by Ana Sánchez, give an overview of their reading of Faulkner’s novel as well as share their creative writing pieces inspired by it. This podcast has been divided in two parts. The second part of the podcast focuses on the pieces of creative writing composed to better grasp the reading. There is a choral reading of a piece included, the aim is to make the words overlap as if part of a musical ensemble.
PART I: “Go Down, Moses” by William Faulkner. The Word Depot
In this podcast, Begoña, Belén, Mila, Cándido and Marcial, members of the reading club of the EOI of Vigo, coordinated by Ana Sánchez, give an overview of their reading of Faulkner’s novel as well as share their creative writing pieces inspired by it. This podcast has been divided in two parts: the first part addresses first impressions on the novel. Special thanks to Helen Burr for her reading of an extract from the first chapter of the novel “Was”. Equally, special thanks for those who participated in the writing but were not present at the moment of the podcast: María Angeles Machado Panete, and Janine Fontenla.
Outstanding EOI Students
This is the second part of our interview with Ayari and Marcela. Learn about how lockdown affected our speakers, their relationship with Vigo's town planning, their perception of traffic, a longed-for family visit, information about what it takes to adapt to new places and even a film recommendation. All in the same programme!
Os meus poemas preferidos Meine Lieblingsgedichte
Welcome to another LETTER OF NOTE. We have just said goodbye to the carnival and the parade downtown. Now Amanda would like to say something about her impressions this year by addressing the Mayor of the city, hence the suggestion for next year. The podcast here shows media resources from Creative Commons policy (freesounds.org).
Die Erfindung des Aspirins
In dieser Folge unserer Reihe "Ideen, die die Welt veränderten" sprechen B2 Schüler:innen der EOI Vigo über die Erfindung des Aspirins.
Últimos episodios
Arbeit und Erfolg
7 minutes -
Bücherkreis 1
5 minutes -
Souvenirs d'enfance (voyages, jeux, école et traditions)
6 minutes -
Tui's Christmas Special 2024
12 minutes -
Día Mundial da Poesía 2023 na Biblioteca da EOI
1 hour 26 minutes
Noutras plataformas
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