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Etiqueta: English

  • Frankenstein (Part 2)_ The Word Depot

    Next on Frankenstein: Marcial Muñoz, María Angeles Machado and Servando participate with their comments and readings on Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein,” accompanied by piano music,  “Le Lac de Come” by G.Galos,  interpreted by Rosana Ojea  and crowned by Servando’s own music composition while reading a passage from the novel. Some of the insights dealt with evolve around Mary Shelley’s youth when writing the novel, the threading of the plot, thoughts on the human condition of the creature.

  • Frankenstein (1)_ The Word Depot

    Mila Prol, Begoña Varela y Cándido Pintos give their impressions on Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein (1818): unexpected reactions surge as they elaborate on Frankenstein being a novel about friendship, love, a coalescence of contraries (fire and ice), a story within story narrative that spins from Mary Shelley’s time to our own.

  • Escaping from Ucraine 3 – Hope!

    A 16 year old girl tells us how she lived the beginning of the Urcainian war, her escape and the arrival in Germany.

  • Escaping from Ucraine 2 – Leave the country!

    A 16 year old girl tells us how she lived the beginning of the Urcainian war, her escape and the arrival in Germany.

  • Escaping from Ucraine – 1 – Escape!

    A 16 year old girl tells us how she lived the beginning of the Urcainian war, her escape and the arrival in Germany.


    Welcome to another letter from enthusiastic student of C1.2 at EOI Vigo, again read to her former self with the benefit of hindsight, hence, wise advice. The sound effects and the music come from the Freesound.org resources under the umbrella of CC. Mysterious and Jazzy intro are really appreciated.


    In this episode our dear conversation assistant JASON SCHAEFER reads a letter to his favourite writer CHARLES PORTIS. The sound effects and the music come from Freesound.org, under generous CC policy. Special thanks to Mysterious and Jazzy (Victor Navas).


    In this episode C1.2 students of EOI Vigo READ LETTERS to their younger selves. After listening to Gillian Anderson in LETTERS LIVE, we decided to steal the idea.

  • Filmforum 3 (English)

    Some C1.2 students of English at the Official School of Languages of Tui tell us about their favourite films and TV series. Sergio, Xurxo, Víctor and Eva discuss anime film Perfect Blue by director Shatoshi Kon, Mad Men, The Fold and Game of Thrones.

  • Radio drama: Asclepius and the two travellers

    Our Radio Workshop students at the EOI de Tui tell us a story featuring Asclepius, a demigod from Ancient Greece. 


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