Etiqueta: Literatura
Tui’s Christmas Special 2024
In this new episode of Tui's Christmas Special, Tui's Radio Club students perform a fragment of a story by Louise May Alcott and tell us in passing what Christmas was like during their childhood.
Día Mundial da Poesía 2023 na Biblioteca da EOI
Gravación da emisión en directo do evento inaugural da nova biblioteca da EOI: Día Mundial da Poesía 2023 na Biblioteca da EOI, 18 de abril de 2023.
Aussprache A1
Deutsch ist gar nicht so kompliziert. Auch Deutschlernende mit A1 können schon komplizierte Wörter aussprechen. Hier einige Beispiele: Producido e editado por Roswitha Althoff e o obradoiro de Radio 24-25 (David, José, Marta, Cristina, Iria) e coa colaboración dun curso do nivel A1
Radio drama: A Model Millionaire, by Oscar Wilde
An adaptation of the classic story by Oscar Wilde, produced by the members of the Speaking and Radio Workshop of Tui.
Reading for Pleasure 4
This is the fourth episode in the series "Reading for Pleasure" in which two of our students recommend books they have read this year. In particular they are talking about "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" by Mark Haddon and "Enough about Love" by Hervé LeTellier. Listen to this episode to see what they think!
3 minutos de poesia: “Liberdade”
3 minutos de poesia: versos inspirados por grandes poetas. Versos inspirados pelo poema "Liberdade", de Eugénio de Andrade, criados no curso monográfico de rádio em português da Escola Oficial de Línguas de Vigo, no primeiro semestre do ano 2023-2024.
Die Frau des Bäckers
SchülerInnen fühlen sich in die Charaktere einer Kurzgeschichte ein und kommentieren ihre Ansicht des Geschehens.
Gedichte 2
Meine Lieblingsgedichte. SchülerInnen lesen und kommentieren ihre Lieblingsgedichte.
Buchempfehlungen 2: Buchpreis 2023
SchülerInnen stellen ihr Lieblingsbuch von der Long List des Deutschen Buchpreises 2023 vor.
Radio drama: A Feathered Encounter PART 2
Listen to the second part of the story and learn about the fate of our splendind parrot, Hyeronimus. Interpreted by Belén Villacieros e Marta Iglesias.
Últimos episodios
Bücherkreis 1
5 minutes -
Souvenirs d'enfance (voyages, jeux, école et traditions)
6 minutes -
Tui's Christmas Special 2024
12 minutes -
Día Mundial da Poesía 2023 na Biblioteca da EOI
1 hour 26 minutes -
Noticias da EOI de Vigo - Decembro 2024
5 minutes
Noutras plataformas
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